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December 22, 2017

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dglogoGospel: Lk 1:46-56 -
 And Mary said,
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit exults in God, my savior!
He has looked upon his servant, in her lowliness, and people, forever, will call me blessed.

The Mighty One has done great things for me, Holy is his Name!
From age to age, his mercy extends to those who live in his presence.
He has acted with power and done wonders, and scattered the proud with their plans.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and lifted up those who are downtrodden.
He has filled the hungry with good things, but has sent the rich away empty.
He held out his hand to Israel, his servant, for he remembered his mercy,
even as he promised to our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants forever.“
Mary remained with Elizabeth about three months, and then returned home.

The Magnificat which is a song thanksgiving teaches us three things:
1. First, it shows us what sort of a woman Mary is. Mary is a blessed and grateful woman. Filled with the Holy Spirit and pregnant with Jesus, she offers thanks to God. She is so blessed that she cannot but be grateful to God.
2. Second, it reminds us that everything is God‘s gift, that everything is God‘s grace. Mary recognizes the greatness of God in her Magnificat. Her conception of Jesus is but a gift from God not only to her but to humanity. Everything is God‘s grace that the only thing that she needs is to cooperate with the grace of God.
3. Third, because everything is God‘s gift we need to give thanks to God. And our thanksgiving should be seen most especially in our sharing of what we received from God to others. God was the first giver and sharer. We need to imitate Him.
Indeed, we all have been blessed and gifted by God in one way or another. Perhaps, we were not given the same gifts, but just the same we are gifted and blessed. We are blessed first and foremost with the gift of God‘s presence in us, with the gift of family, of friends, and of everything that we need in life. But have we ever thanked God for all these blessings? Lest we forget, a person who is grateful is not only happy and contented but he also proclaims the greatness of God and allows Him to enter and dwell in his life. If God dwells in our hearts, the devil has no place to dwell in us.

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